Probably, Wargame :Red dragon is the first PCgame that JSDF is available. JSDF in Wg:RD is very very very good!! but there are some mistakes and unavailable units. In this page, I written about those.
Not available units
Big transport truck.That is larger than "CHUGATA".TAN-SAM's chassis is this.
CH-47J(since 1986)
Big supply/transport helicopter.
Not available units
冬季戦技教育隊(Cold Weather Combat Training Unit) "TO-SENKYO"
The oldest special force in JGSDF.
They are similar to U.S. 10th Mountain Division. and specialized for cold weather combat.
They are similar to U.S. 10th Mountain Division. and specialized for cold weather combat.
They are called "TO-SENKYO".
TO-SENKYO is good demonstrator of mountain combat and also, They are strong soldiers.
対馬警備隊(Tsushima Area Security Force)
In JGSDF, They are known as strong infantry unit. Defending small island on Japan-Korea border is traditional and important mission of japanese military.

予備自衛官(JSDF reserved personal) "YOBIJI"
JSDF has not used M72LAW. They has used M20A1B1 for 1990s.

And JGSDF has used Carl Gustaf M2 since 1980.
JGSDF tried to develop "試製66mmてき弾銃(Prototype 66mm grenade gun)", Made-in-Japan-anti-tank weapon. but this project is failed.

And JGSDF has used Carl Gustaf M2 since 1980.
JGSDF tried to develop "試製66mmてき弾銃(Prototype 66mm grenade gun)", Made-in-Japan-anti-tank weapon. but this project is failed.
M67 has not used by JGSDF.
JGSDF has used M18/M20.
PzF3 has been used since 1992 in JGSDF.

This photo taken in Fuji fire power demonstration in 1992.
Soldier with JGSDF Type1 camo have PzF3.
HUDO-REN(普通科教導連隊) is Called "HUKYO-REN" in Japan.
and HUKYO-REN is mechnized infantry like PANZERGRENADIERE .
I think TO-SENKYO is fit as light infantry role.
Not available units
M24 with MAT

One Warthunder player found this prototype M24.
(Source: https://zawazawa.jp/warthunder/topic/2/253140)
(I have the utmost respect for his effort.)

One Warthunder player found this prototype M24.
(Source: https://zawazawa.jp/warthunder/topic/2/253140)
(I have the utmost respect for his effort.)
NANAYON-SHIKI G has thermal sight. Nana-yon Shiki G's optics should be medium.Searchlight is replaced for thermal sight.

Not available units
99式自走155mmりゅう弾砲(Type99 155 HSP)

改良ホーク 改善Ⅲ型(KAIRYO-HAWK Kaizen 3 gata)
about same as I-HAWK PIP Ⅲ

AXW(Prototype of GUNTANK)

GUNTANK's turret and 61SHIKI's chassis.

改良ホーク 改善Ⅲ型(KAIRYO-HAWK Kaizen 3 gata)
about same as I-HAWK PIP Ⅲ

AXW(Prototype of GUNTANK)

GUNTANK's turret and 61SHIKI's chassis.
81 MSP/107 MSP has wrong 3D model.
Not available units
87式偵察警戒車対地レーダー装備(87shiki RCV with radar)
斥候班(scout unit)"SEKKO-Han"
Regular recon infantry.
Not available units
Some of Type60 has 64 MAT launcher.
Some of Type60 has 64 MAT launcher.
Prototype IFV made by Komatsu.
B78 is smaller than 89 shiki FV. B78's armaments are 25mm autocannon and one Jyu-MAT launcher. B78 has problem about mobility. So JGSDF didn't choice B78
小松 105mm自走低反動砲(105 GSR)
Tank destroyer variant of B78 like Marder VTS1. 105 GSR planed to replace "RENSOU 106mm",
but JGSDF don't need new tank destroyer.
96式多目的誘導弾(96 MPMS)
Long range, and powerful ATGM. Warhead of MPMS is as heavy as Spike NLOS.
Long range, and powerful ATGM. Warhead of MPMS is as heavy as Spike NLOS.
Not available units



This is the first Apache using air to air stinger.

OOTF unit
AH-64D BlockⅡ(AH-64DJP)(2002-)
This is the first Apache using air to air stinger.
Not available units
F-15J with AAM-4/AAM-3
First fire of AAM-4 is in 1996.

and AAM-3.This missile is not OOTF.
三菱 F-2A
First flight is in 1995.

Nickname is "EIKO"
Nickname is "EIKO"
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